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One product, many results


You probably know that SolidRules is the #PLM that has extended its boundaries to practically intercept every business need. When information enters SolidRules (whether it is a text, an image, a document, a 3D, a BOM, ...) it can be used to automatically produce different outputs (price lists, manuals, offers, spare parts, machine directives, ... ). But did you know that you could produce an entire website, a professional site with the not always common feature of being navigable at maximum speed? Don't believe it and need proof?

Elledì srl, publisher of COM.PACK, the paper magazine that has become the reference point for the world of eco-packaging, has chosen SolidRules to give life to the digital version of its magazine. A magazine with thousands of articles all accessible at maximum speed where SolidRules, in the 'behind the scenes', helps the daily work of the Elledì editors led by the managing director Luca Maria de Nardo.

Browse Compack News to discover the power of SolidRules and why knowing the relationship between packaging and the environment generates growth opportunities.

More by Alexide

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